What is repatriation?
Repatriation is the process whereby human remains and certain types of cultural items are returned to lineal descendants, Indian tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations. What law covers repatriation at the Smithsonian Institution?
Repatriation activities at the Smithsonian are governed by the National Museum of the American Indian Act (NMAIA), 20 U.S.C. §80q (Public Law 101–185), as amended by the NMAI Act Amendment of 1996 (Public Law 104–278). The NMAIA requires the Smithsonian to return, upon request, Native American human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony to culturally affiliated federally recognized Indian tribes.
In addition to the NMAI, the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) has collections of Native American materials. Each museum conducts repatriation activities for its respective collections according to its own policy and procedures. Repatriation at the NMAI
The NMAI adopted a Repatriation Policy that guides the Repatriation Department's efforts to address domestic and international repatriation cases. The NMAI also recognizes repatriation as a human rights issue for Indigenous peoples. Based on the museum's founding philosophy, and in recognition of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the NMAI regards the repatriation of human remains and associated funerary objects to their lineal descendants and/or communities of origin as a high priority, regardless of geography or socio-political borders.
Repatriation staff work in collaboration with tribes, First Nations, and Indigenous communities in the Western Hemisphere to address claims for sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony and to ensure a respectful disposition for human remains and funerary objects. For additional information regarding the repatriation process, please refer to A Step-by-Step Guide through the Repatriation Process and the FAQ page. See Resources for term definitions.
Tlingit Marmot hat in ceremonial use after repatriation from the NMAI, 2013. Photo courtesy of Harold Jacobs.
Return of Wampum belt to Six Nations of Grand River (L to R: Tim Johnson, Rick Hill, Paul Williams), 2012." width="283" height="212" />
Return of Wampum belt to Six Nations of Grand River (L to R: Tim Johnson, Rick Hill, Paul Williams), 2012.