CALCRIM No. 358. Evidence of Defendant’s Statements

Judicial Council of California Criminal Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


358 . Evidence of Defendant’ s Statements

Y ou have heard evidence that the defendant made [an] [oral] [and] [a]

[written] statement[s] (before the trial/while the court was not in

session). Y ou must decide whether the defendant made any (such/of

these) statement[s], in whole or in part. If you decide that the defendant

made such [a] statement[s], consider the statement[s], along with all the

other evidence, in r eaching your verdict. It is up to you to decide how

much importance to give to the statement[s].

[Consider with caution any statement made by (the/a) defendant tending

to show (his/her) guilt unless the statement was written or otherwise

New January 2006; Revised June 2007, December 2008, February 2014, August

2015, September 2017, September 2020, Mar ch 2023


Instructional Duty

There is no sua sponte duty to give this instruction. People v . Diaz (2015) 60

Cal.4th 1 176, 1 190 [185 Cal.Rptr .3d 431, 345 P .3d 62].

Give the bracketed cautionary instruction on request if there is evidence of an

incriminating out-of-court oral statement made by the defendant. ( People v . Diaz,

supra, 60 Cal.4th at p. 1 192.) In the penalty phase of a capital trial, the bracketed

paragraph should be given only if the defense requests it. ( People v . Livaditis (1992)

2 Cal.4th 759, 784 [9 Cal.Rptr .2d 72, 831 P .2d 297].)

The bracketed cautionary instruction is not required when the defendant’ s

incriminating statements are written or tape-recorded. ( People v . Gardner (1961) 195

Cal.App.2d 829, 833 [16 Cal.Rptr . 256]; People v . Hines (1964) 61 Cal.2d 164, 173

[37 Cal.Rptr . 622, 390 P .2d 398], disapproved on other grounds in People v .

Murtishaw (1981) 29 Cal.3d 733, 774, fn. 40 [175 Cal.Rptr . 738, 631 P .2d 446];

People v . Scherr (1969) 272 Cal.App.2d 165, 172 [77 Cal.Rptr . 35]; People v .

Slaughter (2002) 27 Cal.4th 1 187, 1200 [120 Cal.Rptr .2d 477, 47 P .3d 262]

[admonition to view non-recorded statements with caution applies only to a

defendant’ s incriminating statements].) If the jury heard both inculpatory and

exculpatory , or only inculpatory , statements attributed to the defendant, give the

bracketed paragraph. If the jury heard only exculpatory statements by the defendant,

do not give the bracketed paragraph.

If a defendant suspected of murder made a statement in a custodial interview that

did not comply with Penal Code section 859.5, give the following additional


Consider with caution any statement tending to show defendant’ s guilt made by


(him/her) during

with Offıcer Smith of October 15, 2013> .

When a defendant’ s statement is a verbal act, as in conspiracy cases, this instruction

applies. ( People v . Bunyard (1988) 45 Cal.3d 1 189, 1224 [249 Cal.Rptr . 71, 756

P .2d 795]; People v . Ramir ez (1974) 40 Cal.App.3d 347, 352 [1 14 Cal.Rptr . 916];

see also, e.g., Peabody v . Phelps (1858) 9 Cal. 213, 229 [similar, in civil cases].

When a defendant’ s statement is an element of the crime, as in conspiracy or

criminal threats (Pen. Code, § 422), this instruction still applies. ( People v . Diaz,

supra, 60 Cal.4th at p. 1 187, overruling People v . Zichko (2004) 118 Cal.App.4th

1055, 1057 [13 Cal.Rptr .3d 509].)

Related Instructions

If out-of-court oral statements made by the defendant are prominent pieces of

evidence in the trial, then CALCRIM No. 359, Corpus Delicti: Independent

Evidence of a Char ged Crime , may also have to be given together with the

bracketed cautionary instruction.

• Instructional Requirements. People v . Diaz, supra, 60 Cal.4th at pp. 1187, 1 190,

1 192 ; People v . Livaditis, supra, 2 Cal.4th at p. 784.

• Custodial Statements by Defendants Suspected of Murder . Pen. Code,

• This Instruction Upheld. People v . T ran (2022) 13 Cal.5th 1 169, 1 198-1201 [298

Cal.Rptr .3d 150, 515 P .3d 1210].


5 W itkin & Epstein, California Criminal Law (4th ed. 2012) Criminal Trial

§§ 683-686, 723, 724, 733.

1 W itkin, California Evidence (5th ed. 2012) Hearsay § 52.

3 W itkin, California Evidence (5th ed. 2012) Presentation at T rial § 127.

2 Millman, Sevilla & T arlow , California Criminal Defense Practice, Ch. 30,

Confessions and Admissions , § 30.57 (Matthew Bender).


Page last reviewed May 2024

Michael C. Dorf

Cornell Law professor Michael C. Dorf discusses the adoption of “expressive activity policies” by colleges and universities in response to recent campus protests, examining the legal and practical implications of such policies.

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